Online Charter College

The online charter college is part of the various section that the institute has to offer with the advancement of diverse section of areas that will help in building the professional and skills of students who want to excel and do better in life. The online section is the same as that of the regular classes allowing the learners to better educate them at their own disposal. Never having to worry about families or other responsibilities making it stress free and get the opportunity to climb higher in the ladder for a better job.

As part of the charter college online courses that are offered here are comprised of:
  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Hospitality
  • Allied Health
  • Health Care Administration
  • Information Technology
  • Nursing
  • Applied Science
  • Degree in Criminal Justice
  • Paralegal Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Network Security
  • Applied Technology
The college is located in California, Washington and Alaska with diploma, degrees and master’s degrees in the field of business, health care, legal, IT and trades. With online classes that are available for students with highly qualified faculty members to discuss with other fellow students through the internet. The charter college online degrees that are provided here consist of:
Health Care Programs:
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Care Administration
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree in Allied Health
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree in Health Information Technology
Legal Programs:
  • Degree in Criminal Justice
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree or Certificate in Paralegal Studies
IT Programs:
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree in Network Security
  • Certificate in Network Security
The Trades:
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree in Applied Technology
Further as part of the charter college online business management courses that are offered here comprise is:
Business Programs:
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree or Certificate in Business Administration
  • Certificate in Hospitality