University of Washington

The university of washington usa is among the best and the oldest in the country that has diverse form of courses that has played an important role in offering education in the highest level. It was established in 1861and today it is also well known for the world class medical faculty along with others.

One of the most important facts is that it is also in equals with the public Ivies Universities in the country. Another important fact to keep in mind about it is that it has taken a considerable part in the two world wars for which it has made tremendous change in its future. The campus is well spread with areas that are perfect for learning and boost up the academic thirst in its residents.

The university of washington has its campuses that is formed at Seattle, Washington, United States apart from which there are two others in Tacoma and Bothell. It also has an estimate of about 500 buildings, including the latest University of Washington Plaza consisting of the UW Tower and conference center as part of its diverse and magnificent infrastructure. In addition it is also a part of the Association of American Universities and also in the area of sports with NCAA Division I Pacific-12 Conference that enhances and builds up the future of the students into sport apart from academic.

Here at the university of washington degreesand programs are also offered in according to the latest mode of curriculum that enhances the lives of the students. There are different levels such as the undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, professional, research programs. These are well spread throughout the different schools and colleges that are present under it such as:
  • Arts and Sciences
  • Built Environments
  • Business (Foster)
  • Dentistry
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Graduate
  • iSchool
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Public Affairs (Evans School)
  • Public Health
  • Social Work

In among the different centers of learning there is the university of washington medical school that has made a tremendous mark of its own in the international level and admission for it are the most sorted ones. This is due to the excellent way of offering the student that opportunity to explore and give room to their creative minds and also enhance various kinds of research at different areas for the betterment of human kind. It also offers diverse series of assistance that are community based for the local people to get in touch with advancement that has been taking place in the present scenario. There are also other international standard of libraries, art, music, drama, sports and many more that allows the students to excel with a bright career.

As per the eligibility and application that are required depends a lot on the academic achievements that are in relation with their intellectual genius in the respective field. As the students from this university have made its strides in the world as some of them are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Nobel Prize laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners and uncountable research achievements.