The University of Sydney

The university of sydney is one of the oldest and most important public institution that has been producing intellectuals that has made a huge contribution to various departments and facts that are made possible with one of the most advance form of learning that are provided through time. The university was established in 1850 after breaking up from the former system of education. It brought out new laws and reforms of the admitting students based on the academic excellence rather than the religious and social status of the students.

The the university of sydney address is located in the most beautiful and advance form of learning at the Sydney Australia. Its main campus is at the Camperdown/Darlington with an area that spreads well with the building that has been a part of history and with the addition of various modern faculties and technologies. As part of its historic development was that it was one of the most early centers of learning that allowed the admittance of women education and have over the years transformed the way women education was viewed and also earlier as compared to some of the oldest and best in the world.

There are various schools, faculties, colleges that are found here for the student's application in different levels that are of the undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, professional, online courses and also doctoral program. The various faculties and schools are found here are as follows:
  • Pharmacy
  • Science
  • Dentistry
  • Health Sciences
  • Law (Sydney Law School)
  • Agriculture and Environment
  • Medicine (Sydney Medical School)
  • Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Nursing and Midwifery (Sydney Nursing School)
  • Architecture, Design and Planning
  • Business (Business School)
  • Arts and Social Sciences
  • Education and Social Work
  • Sydney College of the Arts
  • Veterinary Science

Further as part of the university of sydney online degrees that are offered here are of various types that will allow you to be a part of the normal classes as there are experts who are ever ready to assist the students. The entire courses have been designed as that of a regular campus classes and constant contact with class mates and also the teachers. Here are some of the various masters and graduate courses as:

  • Master of Public Health
  • Graduate Diploma in Public Health
  • Master of International Public Health
  • Graduate Diploma in International Public Health
  • Master of Science in Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology)
  • Master of Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology)
  • Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology
  • Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology
  • Master of Biostatistics
  • Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics
  • Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics
  • Master of Bioethics
  • Graduate Diploma in Bioethics
  • Graduate Certificate in Bioethics

Apart from it there is the university of sydney business school that has been one of the best in the field and made it the most wanted. It has two institutes and centers as Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies and Workplace Research Centre. Apart from it there is also the various disciplines such as Accounting, Business Analytics, Business Information Systems, Business Law, Finance, International Business, Marketing, Work and Organizational Studies and Business Programs Unit.