Imperial College London

The imperial college london uk also known as the The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and today it has transformed itself in such a way that it has transformed not only itself but also the life of the students. It was founded in 8 July 1907 and over the years it has not only formed as a public research university with focuses more on the science, engineering, medicine and business and many more.

Up until 2007 it became a total and deemed university with the completion of its hundred years of its existence. Never the less the actual formation of the university was done as College of St Gregory and St Martin at Wye, and was initially created by John Kempe, the Archbishop of York, in 1447, after which there were other added consequently such as Charing Cross Hospital, Westminster Hospital and St Mary's Hospital were opened in 1823, 1834 and 1854.

The imperial college london is formed with the state of the art faculties with magnificent infrastructure along with the inclusion of different and advance technologies. This will allow the students to build a strong point to build up their career and also add more advantage to the lives of humans in general. It has series of journals and books in the library with immanent individuals from respective fields and from both national and international front. There are various categories of courses such as from the undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, professional and research programs.

As per the inclusion for the application are welcome from different sectors at different faculties under the university as:
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Cross Faculty
  • Imperial College Business School

Interested students or individuals can receive all the necessary information just by contacting at the imperial college london address and details are formulated with in accordance to their area of specialization such from Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ. Irrespective of it there are also various other location which are in according to the faculty or center of learning such as in Chelsea, Hammersmith, Paddington, Silwood Park and Wye College. It is not to be missed that it has one of the biggest assets in comparison with others in the field of higher education. It has over the years produced 15 Nobel laureates and two Fields Medalists and is ranked fifth in the world and third in entire Europe. Thus eligibility will also be checked based on the credit scores, credentials and future geniuses with essential grand.

As per the different levels there is the imperial college london business school which is among the top of the field and also on the considerable advancement of intermixing it with science, engineering, medicine and business all under one roof. There are special courses and programs which attracts various governments, policy-makers and global business leaders to excel. Courses of different levels are also offered at different levels which are highly comprehensive and advance in their approach.